Tuesday, July 13, 2010


HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea how exhausting and painful this process would be. Ryder immediately latched on in the hospital but the kid has kung fu nipple grip! The initial latch every time I feed him feels like someone is stabbing my nipples with daggers. The pain goes away once he starts eating but DAMN! I have been religiously using that stupid lanolin stuff but it doesn't do anything to take away the pain. I think it is more for cracking and bleeding nipples which I don't have a problem with. When does the pain go away?!?!?!? We actually introduced him to the bottle when he turned a week old and he took it like a champ which made me happy because I knew it was a feeding that my nipples would be able to rest. Pumping a bottle is painless and fast but leaves me feeling guilty that I am not nursing him. The other thing about breastfeeding is that you don't ever know how much milk he is actually getting especially because he seems to fall asleep at the boob. If I give him a bottle he guzzles it down in minutes and I know exactly how much he is eating and he seems satisfied longer. Ugh! What's a momma to do? I refuse to give up on nursing but just hope this is my lsat week of pain and that my nipples will harden the f*ck up!

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember when it stopped hurting, but I can clearly remember that feeling...and oh man, it does hurt.

    But it does get less painful...and less tiring (at least in my experience).
